Drawlloween 2020 – Kuchisake-onna

The Day 21 prompt was Yokai.  That is a prompt I struggle with every year because Yokai are not part of my culture and I have not conducted research into that mythology – even though I keep promising myself I will take time to do so.  

I chose to draw Kuchisake-onna, the slit-mouthed woman.  She is the spectral figure of a mutilated woman, her mouth cut into a bloody gash, who asks people if they think she is beautiful.  If the response is yes, she reveals her face.  She then repeats her question and, if the answer is no, she slashes their face to mimic her own wounds.  If they answer yes, she follows them home and murders them there.  You basically cannot win if you happen to encounter this vengeful spirit.

Balancing the beautiful and the grotesque, the human and the ghostly, made Kuchisake-onna fun to draw.  It has not photographed well but the disc behind the figure is metallic.

21 - Yokai - Kuchisake-onna

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