
Laura (PA Pict)

Bio: I am from Scotland but moved to Pennsylvania, USA in October 2013. I maintain two blogs. pictinpa.wordpress.com documents my experiences as an immigrant exploring my new home, as a mother of a busy family and I also share my creative hobbies there. pictink.wordpress.com is dedicated solely to sharing my art work. Thanks for stopping by!

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11 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Laura, just poured over both your blogs and love them. It is interesting to meet a fellow immigrant…though I am from The Netherlands. We lived in Canada for about 8 year and since 2012 in Ohio. We have two boys..but they are already in college. Your art is gorgeous too and I love the variety/ mixed media. I look forward to follow both your blogs! Warm Greetings form Ohio, Johanna

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much for visiting my blog and for the follow. It’s always great to connect to another immigrant. You, of course, have emigrated twice so you are more expert than I am. Thank you for the lovely comment.


      • well it nice indeed nice to hear about the experiences from other immigrants. After 10 years abroad, I feel more North American than Dutch but I as can see on my blog, I still keep up with the language and try to incorperate some Dutch or immigrant experiences in there. Is language an issue for you? There is quite a difference betwwen Scottish and Anglo-American?


      • That’s interesting that you now feel more North American. I wonder if I will come to feel the same way.

        There was no language barrier as such for me. However, the very many differences in the vocabulary of Scottish Standard English and American English have led to many “lost in translation” moments. My kids have switched their vocabulary with ease but I find I have to really reach for the word I need. My speech is also sprinkled with Scots dialectical words which throw people entirely. Most people can deal with my strong accent face-to-face but phone calls can be a challenge.


    • Yay! Scotland is a beautiful country. I’m biased but I would think that anyway. The landscape, the layers of history, the culture all make it a fav place to visit. Of course, the weather could be a lot better. I am not missing Scottish weather one iota. I hope you do make it back to Scotland again.


      • That’s great that you were getting back once a year. I’ve only been to the Netherlands once but I really liked everywhere I visited.

        We emigrated here in October 2013 so it’s still early days for us. We spent last year finding a house to buy. Now we’ve achieved that we can plan returning to Britain for a visit. My in-laws have come out a few times to visit and my parents were here the whole of July. Skype and Facebook help make us feel less distant between times. Our aim is to go back every 2-3 years as that allows us time to build up the savings for six transatlantic flights.


  2. Pingback: Laura / Pictinpa, pictink – Featured Blogger of the Week January 17, 2020 | Ups and Downs of Family History V2.0

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