Drawlloween 2020 – Fedor Jeftichew

The Day 20 prompt was “Fur” and I immediately knew I was going to draw a portrait of Fedor Jeftichew.  One of my nerdy interests is in the history of sideshows and freakshows so I thought of Fedor and his hypertrichosis, a condition that caused him to have more extensive hair growth than the average human.  Fedor performed as Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy (later Dog-Faced Man) and a whole narrative was spun to explain his unusual appearance.  Can you imagine how little Fedor felt?  I always want to give him a hug when I see photos of him.  It was the photos of him that inspired my illustration.  I kept my drawing fairly monochromatic with just a little splash of indigo among the layers of Payne’s Grey.

20 - Fur - Fedor Jeftichew - JoJo the Dog-Faced Boy