Star Wars #15 – Qui Gon Jinn

I did state that I was going to embrace the wonkiness with this series of drawings and I do believe this is the wonkiest yet.  I realised that everything was out of whack when I just had the pencil scaffolding on the page but I chose not to erase and to commit to them with ink.  Liam Neeson is tall and has an interesting face with a particularly characterful nose so his portrayal of Qui Gon Jinn somewhat lends itself to my skew-whiff style.  Qui Gon is the Jedi Master who discovers little Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine and that he may well be “the chosen one”.  In igniting Anakin’s plot arc, therefore, Qui Gon is a critical character to the narrative even though he is (spoiler alert) dead by the end of the first prequel movie.

15 Qui Gon Jinn


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